Camden High School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 4655 9191

Transition (Year 6 into 7)

2024- 2025 Key Dates for Transition

Term 1, 2024                       Year 7 Expression of Interest open (through primary schools)

Term 2, 2024                       Year 7 Enrolment for high school open online (High School email will be sent)

18th March 2024                 Camden High School Open Night

18th September 2024         Year 7 Enrichment Class applications open

18th September 2024         Year 7 Enrichment class information sessions

29th October 2024              Enrichment Class applications close

Term 3 & 4                            High School taster days with partner primary schools

5th November 2024            Additional Learning and Support Transition Session 1 (invitation only)     

12th November 2024          Additional Learning and Support Transition Session 2 (invitation only)

19th November 2024          Additional Learning and Support Transition Session 3 (invitation only)

19th November 2024            Enrichment class applicants notified of outcome

3rd December 2024            Year 7 2025 Orientation Day

4th February 2025              Day 1 Year 7 2025

4th–7th February 2025       Year 7 Orientation (O) Week

Camden High School has a well-rounded approach to preparing and supporting the transition of year 6 students are they start their high school journey.

Camden High School Open Night

This event allows students and their families to explore the school environment, meet teachers and staff, and get an overview of the facilities and programs. It’s a great opportunity for students to familiarise themselves with the school before starting year 7.

Enrichment Class

The Year 7 Enrichment Class is designed to enhance the potential of students who aspire for high achievement, a strong commitment towards learning and a driving desire to achieve their personal best.

All students are eligible to apply through an Expression of Interest (EOI) application. The class will be determined based on a student’s ability to show potential in one or more of the High Performance and Gifted Education (HPGE) domains including intellectual, creative, social-emotional, and physical.

To access the Year 7 Enrichment Class Application Form please click here

To RSVP to the Enrichment Class Information and Suppport session please click here


High School taster opportunities

An opportunity for partner primary schools to build student confidence and familiarity of our school environment in preparation for high school transition. Partner primary schools have the opportunity to run their lessons from our school for a day (s).


Additional transition for students with support needs

Specifically targeted to supporting students with additional learning and or wellbeing support needs in both mainstream and in a supported placement. Camden High school offers parent information sessions on learning and wellbeing support as well as 3 mini high school taster sessions for students who require additional support. This is an invite only session based on student need.


Orientation Day

All incoming Year 7 students for the following year are invited to attend Orientation Day. The event provides an opportunity for families to explore the school environment, meet teachers and staff, and get an overview of the facilities and programs. It’s a great opportunity for students to familiarise themselves with the school before starting year 7. On the day, students are to wear their full primary school uniform.


Year 7 2025 Orientation (O) Week

The first week of high school is an opportunity to further consolidate and familiarise students with the Camden High School environment. Students will participate in a range of experiences and information sessions ranging from sport, on country cultural experiences, peer mentoring, timetable distribution, reviewing bus timetables, learning and wellbeing support, canvas and assessment task submission.


Year 7 School Enrolment

Year 6 into year 7 enrolments, can be accepted from early term 2.

Enrolments are completed online and require evidence of the following documents:

- Birth Certificate

- Immunisation history

- 100 points of residential address confirmation. *For more information, please go to: link