Camden High School

Together We Achieve

Telephone02 4655 9191

Support faculty

The Camden High School Learning Support Faculty is an inclusive and flexible learning environment dedicated to meeting the diverse needs of our students. We cater for up to 60 students with autism, intellectual disabilities and other support needs. Educational programs are developed and modified to meet the individual academic, social and emotional needs of our students.

Students in the Learning Support Faculty study the same subjects as their mainstream peers. Individual Education Plans are developed in collaboration with parents and the curriculum is modified and adjusted to meet individual academic, social, behavioural or vocational goals. Students are also integrated into mainstream subjects with their peers based on individual strengths and needs.

Courses offered

Stage 4 - Years 7 and 8

English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, PDHPE, Music, Languages, Visual Art, Technology (Mandatory)

Stage 5 - Years 9 and 10

English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, PDHPE

Stage 6 - Years 11 and 12

English Studies, Numeracy, Work Studies, Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation,

Life skills

English, Mathematics, Science, Technology


Marianne Heath - Head Teacher (Relieving)

Tim Byrne

Lucy Howell

Abeer Middleton (Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs)

Irene Rostom

Pamela Sammut

Jennifer Scarini

Tina Shinn - Year Advisor Year 9


School Learning Support Officer

Jill Arnold

Cindy Greene

Yvonne Grigg

Amanda Ogilvie

Julie Smith 

Lynette Williams