Science is mandatory for all students from Year 7 to Year 10.
About Science
A study of science is mandatory for all students from Kindergarten to Year 10.
Our goal is the development of students’ skills, knowledge and understanding in explaining and making sense of the biological, physical and technological world that they are a part of. In Science at Camden high students’ are asked to apply the processes of Working Scientifically, to develop an understanding of the importance of scientific evidence.
Through questioning and seeking solutions to problems, students develop an understanding as individuals and as part of the community to make informed, responsible decisions about the current use and influence of science and technology on their lives.
The study of Science enables students to develop a positive self-concept as learners and gain confidence in and enjoyment from their learning. Through active participation in challenging and engaging experiences they become self-motivated, independent learners. Their understanding of science and its social and cultural contexts provides a basis for students to make reasoned evidence-based future choices and ethical decisions, and to engage in finding innovative solutions to science-related personal, social and global issues, including sustainable futures.
In Years 11 and 12, students can choose from different science disciplines, including:
Earth and Environmental Science
Investigating Science
About Agricultural Technology
A study of Agriculture is incorporated into the Technology Mandatory sequence for students in Years 7 and 8 and offered as a subject elective in Years 9 and 10. Additionally in Years 11 and 12, students can choose to undertake the Agriculture course as an elective.
Our goal is the development of students in the study of Agricultural Technology through providing opportunities to experience aspects of an agricultural lifestyle with an emphasis on direct contact with plants and animals. In Agricultural Technology at Camden high students’ are asked to undertake a variety of enterprises allows students to develop responsible decisions about the appropriate use of agricultural technologies.
Students will explore dynamic nature of modern agriculture, incorporating career opportunities in agriculture and related service industries and investigate the viability of Australian agriculture through management of issues relating to the sustainability of agricultural systems, as well as the relationships between production, processing and consumption.
The study of agriculture enables students to develop skills in order to solve problems, plan, organise and conduct experimental investigations, research, collect and organise information, work as a member of a team. Students are also presented an opportunity to work closely with industry as a collaborative member of the schools show teams.

Click on the teachers name to email them directly
Amanda Bromley - Head Teacher (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Adrian Evangelista - Year 9 Advisor
Phillip Farrugia - Relieving Head Teacher (Monday, Wednesday)
Kristina Hotson - Agriculture Teacher and VET Co-ordinator
Karen McLean - Science Laboratory Assistant
Ian Ashton - Farm Hand