Careers education
Careers adviser
The role of a careers adviser in a NSW public school is to assist students in developing personal career plans. Careers advisers work closely with students, parents, teachers, employers, community agencies and training providers to support students with their career ideas, explore career options, develop career goals, and make career and transition plans.
Careers advisers play a key role in providing high school students with access to a range of career development services to maximise their career and life choices, and develop their appreciation for lifelong learning.
Career planning
The careers adviser ensures that students are individually supported to make their own career decisions by assisting them to identify, own and manage their career ideas.
Career education
A planned program of learning experiences is offered by the school to assist students to learn about the workplace and acquire skills that will improve their ability to become productive citizens.
Career resources and information
Career information is available through a range of media and can include: excursions, guest speakers, newsletters, websites, email alerts, handbooks, videos, CDs, DVDs.
Work experience and workplace learning
Workplace experiences provide students with knowledge and skills that support their career planning and enable them to be successful in the workplace.
Vocational and enterprise learning
Learning opportunities that are real and relevant to students are provided both within school and the wider community, including vocational education and training courses. These build students employment related skills and enterprising abilities.